February 20, 2024

10. Your feet are your foundation - treat them right, or the whole structure could come
crumbling down!
9. Because hobbling around like a penguin isn't a good look for anyone.
8. To avoid the embarrassment of having your significant other mistaken for a pumice
stone during footsie.
7. So you can confidently say, "I'm walking on sunshine," instead of wincing in pain with
every step.
6. Because your dog deserves to go on walks longer than five minutes without you
needing a foot massage afterwards.
5. To prevent your toenails from being mistaken for talons in a horror movie audition.
4. Because you shouldn't have to dread beach season more than tax season.
3. To stop your podiatrist from sending you holiday cards signed, "See you soon!"
2. Because life's too short to tiptoe around foot discomfort.
And the number one reason you need a podiatric nurse or foot care specialist...
1. So you can age gracefully, with feet that keep up with your youthful spirit!